Monday, August 16, 2010

I'm All Wet

I clearly remember my first "informational meeting" after being home for 16 years with children.  I was a wreck that rainy afternoon.  I was getting together with a pr director at a local university, just to get my feet wet, so to speak.  Unfortunately, I was so nervous after I parked the car and was hustling into the building that I lost my balance and stepped into a huge puddle.  I spent the entire meeting with my left foot soaked through.  It was hard to concentrate.

I realized something that I'll pass along:  If you are a young, working woman and plan to leave your job to have children, get samples of your projects!  When I left the ad agency all those years ago, I didn't give a second thought to my future career.  At that point in my life, I was consumed with becoming a mom.  And for many years, that role - combined with lots of volunteer work - kept me satisfied.

It wasn't until last year that I dusted off my portfolio to find it in a sorry state.  I have very little that reflects my depth of experience.  When I start getting those interviews (I'm being optimistic here!), I'll have to talk a good game to make up for the lack of visuals.

Back to the meeting ... I was so timid that the pr director, in her kindness, basically walked me through my background.  She made me feel like I could actually work in my profession again, something I hadn't reconciled with myself yet.  Unless you've been a mom at home for several years, it's hard to describe how difficult it is to cross back over.

Luckily, I've made some great strides in the ego department.

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