Thursday, August 12, 2010

Three Strikes

I need a job in my profession, which is public relations, writing/editing, media relations, communications, etc. However, I have a few strikes against me.

Strike one: I’m 53-years old. I don’t feel like I’m in my fifties, but I am and I have to face up to it. My lawyer (I’m going through a divorce) recently said to me she wished that I was in my forties because it “would be easier to find employment in your field.” And, she added, “there are many fifty-somethings out there looking to switch careers.” Not a lot of encouragement. But I do agree with her - I also wish I was ten years younger, for many reasons, which I won’t go into here.

Strike two: Other than a brief stint as a newspaper reporter in 2009, I have been out of the job market for 17 years. Yikes! I was home raising my three children, now ages 18, 16 and 12, volunteering away, but not doing much for my resume. The oldest is going off to college soon and … did I mention that I’m going through a divorce? Money is suddenly tighter than it has ever been.

Strike three: Social media has totally transformed the communications field since I’ve been away. Blogs, platforms and viral buzz have replaced printed newsletters, press packets and galleys. Cutting and pasting is a thing of the past. Are there even archives and galleys anymore? To get hired in this Internet age, I have to talk the talk, walk the walk and learn the ins and outs of social media.

I’m not totally out of the loop. I am on Facebook, although I often find it nauseating to read about other people’s minutia. I text as well, but my phone is the older style and it takes forever. Today, I joined Twitter to see what it was like. Other than my son, I don’t quite know who to follow yet.

But I’m willing to learn because I have to. I can’t picture my work life going on much longer the way it has been. I’m already on my second minimum-wage job in two months and it isn't going all that well. I’d go into more detail here but I’d like to save something for a future entry (or is it called posting?).

I just realized something … I’m a blogger now. I’ve taken a giant step into web-based communications and I’m proud of it! Wish me luck!!!


Unknown said...

It's not called posting it's called blogging. u'd like to save things for your future blogging. or a future post if u'd prefer. okay. nice.


Tom Bradley said...

Well done!!! You are a blogger. Keep it up - this may actually become a VERY interesting blog. (Now, fill in your profile.)